Don’t miss! DP Patternings Roman Armgarth presenting a revolution in flex PCB manufacturing at Productronica 2023

Don’t miss!
Roman Armgarth, R&D manager at DP Patterning, is now confirmed as one of the presenting speakers at Productronica 2023 in Munich. Roman Armgarth will present the groundbreaking DPP 360 flex-PCB manufacturing system, with a special focus on the sustainability and inhouse sourcing aspects of the concept.
When: Friday 17 november 2023
Where: Productronica 2023, at the Innovation Forum stage (hall B2, booth 441)
Introducing a multi-billion dollar revolution
The flexible printed circuit board (PCB) market is growing and expected to reach an annual volume of over 50 billion USD by 2030. With this increase, cost and environmental factors become more and more important to the expanding field.
Dry Phase Patterning (DPP) is a novel, yet established, chemical-free, roll-to-roll (R2R) manufacturing technology for flexible PCBs that enables companies to integrate the flex-PCB manufacturing directly with their assembly lines
Roman Armgarth

Sustainable and easily integrated
Resulting benefits are significantly shortened lead times and transport costs, all at a significant price benefit. In contrast to traditional PCB manufacturing, which is based on chemical wet etching, Dry Phase Patterning relies on high precision, mechanical milling at high production speed, giving only a residue of dry metal powder as a byproduct, which is then 100 % recyclable.
The clean and simple processing makes it possible for Dry Phase Patterning production lines to be integrated directly into a component assembly environment.
Several demonstrators on display
Using the mechanical DPP technology any material can be milled, which contrasts with the chemistry in an etching process tailored to one specific metal. Materials like aluminium on PET provide very attractive alternatives for manufacturing of environmentally friendly, low-cost Flex-PCBs. While gradual material, process and logistical improvements have slowly started to reduce emissions in the standard process, studies have shown that by replacing the chemical etching process with the DPP process CO2-emissions of the process chain can be reduced by 99%.
In this presentation I will describe the fundamentals of the DPP technology with a special focus on the sustainability aspects that are accessible with this unique patterning method, Roman Armgarth concludes. The DPP 360 system is up and running in several automotive and antenna applications in the market, some of them are on display at Productronica.
If you have any questions regarding DP Patternings participation at Productronica 2023, please contact