IDTechEx recently released a report on Sustainable Electronics Manufacturing 2023–2033, detailing the technologies and trends ahead for sustainable printed circuit boards (PCBs) and integrated circuits (ICs). IDTechEx expects that within the next decade, approximately 20% of PCB manufacturers will convert to more sustainable methods, including dry etching and printing.
DP Patterning is mentioned as one of the new sustainable PCB production technologies for Flex-PCBs, that is industrialized and in full operations at different customers production sites, in the Automotive manufacturing and RFID industries.IDTechEx report states. “Dry phase patterning removes sustainable hurdles associated with wet etching”. Read the DP Patterning Article in the IDTechEx report here.

For the full report on Sustainable Electronics Manufacturing 2023–2033, please visit IDTechEx.

Electronica 2022 Trade Fair Münich 15-18 November

Join us at one of the most exciting trade fairs in Europe!

DP Patterning will be present at Electronica 2022 in Center Messe München, where we will showcase our ground-breaking production methods within Flexible PCB.

Our unique Dry Phase Patterning technique helps to produce flexible circuit boards with lower costs, low environmental impact and reduce dependency of external partners. We hope to get the opportunity to explain in detail at Electronica 2022 (15-18 November) in Munich, Germany!

Electronica trade fair 2022 is one of the largest in Europe and this year more than 2200 companies will showcase the latest technologies and advances in their sectors. With our invitation you will get access to all areas of the fair! We are exhibiting at Hall B5 booth A11 – click here to see the map

What is Dry Phase Patterning?

We will be present on the fair and ready to explain exactly how our unique manufacturing methods can help you company. Some of the advantages are:

DP Pattering offer a variety of production setups, suitable from medium to enterprise scale production and recognized by fast implementation and easy setup.

DP Patterning offers an innovative solution to revolutionize flexible circuit board manufacturing. Our globally unique Dry Phase Patterning technique allows for producers of electronics to bring the production of flexible circuit boards in-house, integrated with final assembly, instead of relying on sub-suppliers. Replacing hazardous traditional chemical etching processes in distant countries with a versatile mechanical reel-to-reel process, this cost-efficient and game-changing solution enables efficient sustainable production.

It is customizable and simplifies the production process by cutting lead times as well as significantly reducing transports and waste management. Today we support manufacturers and front-runners in the automotive and RFID sectors, while continuously researching and developing new system solutions to individual customer requirements.

For individual meetings and discussions, please connect with Tommy Höglund, Sales & Marketing Manager.

Tommy Höglund
Mobile: +46 72 245 46 74


DP Patterning will be present at IPC APEX EXPO, the largest event for electronics manufacturers in North America, where we will showcase our ground-breaking production methods within Flexible PCB.

Our unique Dry Phase Patterning technique helps to produce flexible circuit boards with lower costs, low environmental impact, and reduced dependency of external partners. We hope to get the opportunity to explain in detail how your business can benefit from using the Dry Phase Patterning production system, at IPC APEX EXPO 2023 (24-26 January) in San Diego, California!

IPC APEX The largest International gathering of electronics professionals in North America with representation from 61 countries. We are exhibiting at Booth 1812 in the Exhibition area.

We will showcase our latest upgrade of the DPP 360 system – The new cleaning module – that let you create new designs for higher voltages and fine structures. The APEX EXPO will be the first public launch for our new cleaning module. Below you can enjoy the video presentation of the new cleaning module made by our CEO and founder, Staffan Nordlinder.

Technical Poster Expo

DP Patterning will also participate in the Technical Poster Expo. We will be present at Networking Poster Session and Show Floor Reception on the 24th of January, 5:00 – 6:00 pm to discuss our poster – Alteration of mechanical properties and thicknesses in selective areas of flexible metallic films. Explaining, a novel method to mechanically process flexible circuit boards is opening new possibilities in surface engineering of flexible films technologies.

The Technical Posters will be displayed in the Show Floor (exhibit hall) for the entire length of IPC APEX EXPO 2023.

What is Dry Phase Patterning?

We will be present on the fair and ready to explain exactly how our unique manufacturing methods can help your company. Some of the advantages are

DP Pattering offer a variety of production setups, suitable from medium to enterprise scale production and recognized by fast implementation and easy setup.

DP Patterning offers an innovative solution to revolutionize flexible circuit board manufacturing. Our globally unique Dry Phase Patterning technique allows for producers of electronics to bring the production of flexible circuit boards in-house, integrated with final assembly, instead of relying on sub-suppliers. Replacing hazardous traditional chemical etching processes in distant countries with a versatile mechanical reel-to-reel process, this cost-efficient and game-changing solution enables efficient sustainable production.

It is customizable and simplifies the production process by cutting lead times as well as significantly reducing transports and waste management. Today we support manufacturers and front-runners in the automotive and RFID sectors, while continuously researching and developing new system solutions to individual customer requirements.

For individual meetings and discussions, please connect with Tommy Höglund, Sales & Marketing Manager.

Tommy Höglund
Mobile: +46 72 245 46 74

Article from DP Patterning’s innovative conductive pattern production relies on fast IPC control for high-precision machining.

Read the interview published by with Staffan Nordlinder (CEO) and Jakob Sagatowski (Senior Software Developer) from DP Patterning together with Marcus Aldrin from Beckhoff Sweden (Motion Product Speclialist) that worked closely during the development of the automation technology for Dry Phase Patterning Technology.

DP Patterning is using a patented process, the conductive structures are worked out of flexible circuit boards in a mechanical process. Equal measures of accuracy and speed are needed to achieve this both precisely and economically. PC-based control and EtherCAT are the optimal control technologies to accomplish this.

To the article: Innovative conductive pattern production relies on fast IPC control for high-precision machining (

Swedish tech company DP Patterning, who offer an innovative technology for flexible circuit board production, focuses their efforts to the German automotive industry, as their innovation revolutionizes circuit board manufacturing and disrupts an industry where every gram and step towards more sustainable manufacturing counts.

Flexible Printed Circuit Boards (FPCBs) are used in many electronical products and are globally mass-produced. They are an integral part of today’s technology and society and used in everyday consumer appliances such as phones, wireless antennas, and to a large extent, newly produced vehicles.

Swedish-founded DP Patterning has invented a unique mechanical process called Dry Phase Patterning technology for producing FPCBs, which is more environmentally friendly and cost-efficient than other alternatives. The technology is designed for System & Solution Providers with electronic assembly capacity and for in-house production, it is customizable and simplifies the process of production by reducing transports and lead times as well as significantly cutting costs. By bringing the production of Flexible PCBs in-house, an entire step in the traditional chain of production can be saved.

– We’ve come up with an innovation that eliminates the traditional and hazardous chemical etching processes, typically conducted in distant countries, and replaces that with the in-house reel-to-reel process, says Staffan Nordlinder, CEO and founder of DP Patterning.

Staffan continues:

– As the demand for green-tech production increases together with an increased interest in in-house production independent of trade wars and logistic cross border-challenges, we believe that our product can truly disrupt the traditional way of how the automotive industry produces new vehicles. We’re now putting all of our efforts toward the German market, the cradle of the European automotive industry.

Today DP Patterning support manufacturers and front-runners in the automotive, LED lighting and RFID sectors, while continuously researching and developing green-tech system solutions to individual customer requirements.

Simon Wallin, press contact, Geelmuyden Kiese
Mob: +46 70 314 73 71


DP Patterning offer an innovative solution to revolutionise circuit board manufacturing by introducing a mechanical process for in-house production. Our globally unique Dry Phase Patterning technology enables environmentally friendly, cost-efficient production of flexible electric circuit boards. Replacing hazardous traditional chemical etching processes by sub-suppliers in distant countries with an in-house, mechanical reel-to-reel process, this is both a game-changing solution for sustainability and allows for local high-quality production. It is customisable and simplifies the production process by cutting lead times as well as significantly reducing transports, waste management and costs. Today we support manufacturers and front-runners in the automotive, LED lighting and RFID sectors, while continuously researching and developing new system solutions to individual customer requirements. DP Patterning is based in Norrköping, Sweden.

We are constantly looking for people that will take our ground-breaking technology to the next level. Is it you? Find out now!

DP Patterning is presenting the Dry Phase Patterning technology at IPC APEX 2020 in San Diego, February 4-6. You are most welcome to visit us in stand 3525 to be introduced to A New Way of sourcing PCB.

Serendipity Challenge is an annual entrepreneurship competition and technology venue open to all Swedish and Nordic start-up and growth companies. The competition’s finals take place during Almedalsveckan where 50 of Sweden’s and the Nordic´s most innovative, up-and-coming companies compete for the titles of “Start-up company of the year and Growth company of the year.

The ÅForsk Foundation Entrepreneur Scholarship for 2017 has been awarded to Staffan Nordlinder at DP Patterning, for a revolutionary method of manufacturing electrical circuits. The machines built by DP Patterning uses milling technology to create circuits, which makes for a simpler, more cost effective and faster (10x) method than conventional chemical etching. This method is also environmentally friendly.

DP Patterning and Mühlbauer GmbH & Co. KG has together customized the DPP-technology for the RFID industry. Mühlbauer now orders their second DPP system for integration in their ACS system. This is the first order of the multi million euro agreement between the companies.